FOCAL TEXT: Lamentation 3 vs 27
►► ”It is good for a man that he bear the yoke in his youth.”~| KJV |
GRACIOUS greetings Cherished one. There are different stages in life played by different set of rules. Childhood, adolescence and adulthood stages come with various discipline and responsibilities. There are assigned discipline and responsibilities according to the strength available to each stage. It would have been remarkable to see every one performing his duties perfectly but that’s not the norm these days. Some children and adolescents are forcibly playing the role of adulthood due to certain circumstances. And this is pathetic.
The youthful stage is not for pleasure or fun. It’s a moment of submitting and bearing the yoke of discipline and responsibility despite the hard times. Our opening text admonishes that it’s a good thing when you’re young to stick it out through the hard times. How you live your youthful stage will definitely affect your future. It’s true that life is full of challenges but there are many opportunities to make progress. Refuse to pursue the paths of laziness, excuses, irresponsibility, procrastination, complaining and mediocre mentality. These paths usually result to poverty and unnecessary suffering in the near future.
Beloved, your actions or inactions can be an asset or liability to the next generation. That’s why we are always admonished to live our lives well to positively affect the next generation. Don’t carry your responsibilities to your children or grandchildren. You are to bless them not to put burdens on them. Do everything in your power by taking advantage of God’s grace, principles and instructions to make your life and others better. God will be your number one helper as you make the decision to submit and bear that yoke now, not later. The rich grace of our Lord Jesus Christ abounds towards you always. Amen!
I choose to live a disciplined and responsible lifestyle. I live a glorious life that will positively affect my generation and the next. Because my life is a solution to the problem of someone. I refuse to be a liability. I receive abundant grace to bear my own yoke of discipline and responsibility in Jesus’ Name. Amen !
Thank God for empowering you to be disciplined and responsible to fulfill your divine assignment.

You are not safe until you are saved. Believe in Jesus Christ Now, if you haven’t.
FURTHER STUDY: Romans 12:11
*Enjoy A Gracious Wednesday*

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