24/7 DOXA Content, 15th July-BLESSED TO BLESS OTHERS
24/7 DOXA Content 2018
SUNDAY , 15th July
1 Timothy 6 vs
18.■”Tell them to do good, to be rich in good deeds, to be generous givers, sharing with others.”~《NET》
IT’S GREAT to be blessed; because until you are blessed you can’t be a blessing to others. *You are blessed to be a blessing, not to store up wealth for yourself.* Being a blessing means becoming an asset of strength, hope, life, peace, love, joy etc to your world of contact. Thus you extend your life for others to also “feed” from. Our focal text was a charge to the rich people in this world. Such are to do good; be rich in good deeds; generous givers and share with others.
This can be exhibited in the form of giving to other brethren, poor people, family, relatives and friends according to how God has prospered you (2Cor 9:7, 8). The neglect of this lifestyle is causing so much “unnecessary suffering and hardships” in this world. You were blessed or “multiplied” to supply to other lives. You are a hope or a solution to someone’s problem, don’t shut your door to help others in terms of giving spiritual, material or financial assistance.
This is necessary because it is the only way to keep on multiplying your blessings. Refuse to be miser and stingy as as Child of God. Beloved, be ready and willing to distribute and you’ll keep on multiplying (Luke 6:38). For it is more blessed to give than to receive (Acts 20:35 ). The Lord of the harvest will surely see to it that you reap super-abundantly as you make the decision to bless others. Today, decide to be a blessing to someone. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you always.
Gracious Father, thank You for blessing me to be a blessing to my generation. I choose by Your grace to be a generous giver, ready and willing to share with others. I live as an asset to help my world of contact. Thank You for making me a solution to many lives in Jesus Name. Amen !
◇ Enjoy A Generous Sunday ◇
Prayer Alert:
_Pray that God is abounding you with much resources to be a great blessing to others._
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