24/7 DOXA Content, 15th December-REFUSE TO BE A SPECTATOR
____________________________________FOCAL TEXT: Acts 1 vs 14►► All of these with their minds in full agreement devoted themselves steadfastly to prayer [waiting together] with the women and Mary the mother of Jesus and with His brothers…”-|AMPLIFIED|______________________________________
BLESSED greetings, Cherished one. A spectator is someone who watches an event. In this journey of life, spectators have little or nothing to contribute to the progress of a situation or event. Some folks consciously or unconsciously act as spectators till situations go from good to bad. Some parents can watch their children go wayward with the mindset that when they grow they would change. Such act as spectators whiles their children develop ungodly attitudes.
Such people treat lightly the scripture that says _“Train up a child in the way he should go, And when he is old he will not depart from it.” (Proverbs 22:6)._ There are folks who go to the Temple and will not take part in prayer, worship or praises sessions. Some give their attention to other things and become spectators to the things of God. Some even go to the Temple without a Bible, neither hardcopy nor softcopy. Living like this makes you a spectator or an observer: someone who just looks and cheers on and criticise vehemently when the players go wrong.
The best place to stand and criticize is to be a partaker. In our focal text, all those present were seriously devoted to prayer; none was a spectator and the book of Acts records their exploits even amid persecutions. Are you engaged in your own or someone’s business, company, work or ministry? Be concerned with the progress of that vision. Refuse to be a spectator; because the only response life offers for a spectator is “nothing and frustrations”. The rich grace of our Lord Jesus Christ abounds towards you always.
Precious Father, I thank You for the ability to refuse to be a spectator. My mind is tuned to partake of the things of the Spirit that will inspire my progress in this life. I am devoted to prayer, planning, acting and pursuing a worthy course for my life. I reap the results of the partaker’s mindset in Jesus Blessed Name. Amen !
Pray that you are being empowered to be devoted and partake of activities that will lead to your progress in life.

You are not safe until you are saved. Believe in Jesus Christ Now, if you haven’t.
FURTHER STUDY: Romans 12:11
Enjoy A Blessed Tuesday
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