Gospel XYZ

Impacting Evolving Minds

24/7 DOXA Content 2019 SUNDAY, 10th February-A DISCERNING HEART ________________________

Ecclesiastes 8 vs
5》》”He who keeps his command will experience nothing harmful; And a wise man’s heart discerns both time and judgment,.”》》NKJV》


ONE principle in God’s Kingdom is the ability to discern into the times and seasons (1 Kings 3:9; Prov 7:7). Yes, this era demands “Discerning Christians”, not just those who enjoy spending the time. Many people love to enjoy the times without discerning into it. So they flow with “anything” that comes along their way. *But the New Creation is a different breed. He has the mind of Christ and therefore should walk accordingly.*

To discern means _to learn to know or perceive, find out or distinguish._ Yes, God desires that you learn to distinguish between the times. Our focused scripture says it takes a wise man’s heart to discern both time and justice. *A wise man’s heart is one filled with the knowledge and wisdom of Christ which guides his thoughts, choices, decisions and entire life.* In other words, a wise man’s heart will know what to do per time through discernment.

In discerning the times, you must do that in God’s perspective, not just on a carnal or natural level. By so doing, you will be keeping the commands of the King which will save you from harm. Cherished one, the secular world is moved by the sense realm but those who are of God move by the sense of the Holy Spirit and Scriptures through discernment. A descerning Christian will know how to respond to the vicissitudes of life. *You have the wisdom of God in you, walk with a discerning heart concerning the times.* The rich grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you always.

_Omniscient Father, thank You for the ability to discern the time and walk in wisdom as required of me. I refuse to conform to the trends of this world. Rather, I humbly submit my heart to press in for more levels that pertain to the demands of Your Word and Spirit in Jesus Name. Amen !_

*◇ Enjoy A Discerning Sunday ◇*

Prayer Alert:
_Pray that God’s Spirit would always help you to rightly discern into the times._

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