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7 Key Elements of Effective Personal Branding-Em Bartels

Personal Branding and social branding has become the buzz word of the day with the advent of social and electronic media.

In recent times, remote and home working has become the order of the day.

How you present yourself online and virtually, can make or break your career and prospects as a single person.

Below is the summary of a presentation given earlier this year: Seven (7) key Elements to Build an Effective Personal Brand as a Single Person .

1. Authenticity:

Do your words “match” your actions? Don’t promote yourself as authentic. Just be authentic. Be the Undisputed origin. Not the false or copied version but be genuine, pragmatic, helpful at all times not sometimes. I would say be the “Antique” version every one of substance would want to relate to. The version every one must have on their friends list.

2. Package Consistency:

Be consistent in how you present your brand across channels. Logo around your name, same or similar profile picture across all channels, consistent background cover images across channels, same or similar outfits or dress in profiles.

Be consistent in how you communicate and use media, or how you present yourself at work etc. I say “what you do can change as long as who you are remains consistent”

3. Tell Your Story:

Let people know where you’ve come from. Your story is a powerful component of your brand.

Everyone loves a good story. Notice story telling is a an effective tool in advertising. Stories create an emotional and human connection. A good stony can get you running to the store for a product you end up throwing in the garbage.

A brilliant story shows and reveals who you really are, what you stand for (your values, mission, vision) and reveals your talents as well as skills. It unearths what’s authentic, real and new about you; ,yesterday, today and the future.

4. Expertise:

The values you carry across will get people to start paying attention but it’s your expertise that will make people follow you. Note the Africa and GH deferentials.

Please don’t let your expertise be the African or Ghanian standard, always go for the Global standard. This enables people to pay attention and remain engaged.

Endeavour to show your brand and expertise through the following:

– Articles and blogs
– Participating on social channels and groups revealing your expertise on Twitter, FB, IG and LinkedIn etc
– Speakers opportunity
– Panelist on Radio and Tv Programmes.
– Community, Church projects and social engagement
– Guest positioning on relevant and authoritative websites.
– Providing expert advice for email subscribers and broadcasts (WhatsApp, telegram, and other SM channels)

5. Effective Visibility:

To grow your brand you must be visible. Learn to actively promote your authentic self on the internet with the right content. Many of the tips shared above also helps with visibility. I say “Be visible to the right target Audience”.
Key words are be ACTIVE and CONSISTENT.

6. Value Proposition:

What do people get in exchange for their time and attention? Communicate the value you bring clearly. How will people describe you in two words? My question is not how you show up physically but how you show up electronically and virtually.

There must be growth in the value proposition. If people or someone googled you now what would come up?. How do you show up virtually? What value do you bring to the table? Why should they spend time and energy following you. You Build a tribe through the extensive value you carry.

If you have a negative Personal Brand online, work to change that. If it’s a positive one, grow and evolve with the times. What is your personal brand Tagline? Mine is: Stand Up Stand Tall, Stand Out! Create a personal Tagline that reflects your purpose.

7. Connections:

You’ve heard the saying, “You’re as Good as the People you know”. Who are the top five people speaking into your life or sharing ideas with you?

Evaluate them and Expand your network. Connections are an important part of building an authentic and relevant personal brand. Find people of influence to mentor you if you are a young person.

As a business person or professional, find like minded people to relate, challenge and share ideas for growth. Connect with people who you can work for or work with you.

Connect with people who will have your back: people who are loyal end will defend your brand at all cost. Remember, some Social media connections have to be tested over time before you share all your trade and personal secrets or anything of value with them.

Connections can provide testimonials and peer reviews. When the people who matter (target audience, stakeholders) want to do business with you, they check testimonials and peer reviews on your website and social media pages such as LinkedIn.

These are your Strongest virtual trust signals.

Whatever you do in this last quarter, Build your Brand, Evolve your Brand, Grow your Brand!

#StandUp #StandTall #StandOut!
#PersonalBranding. #Authenticity #PersonalDevelopment #SelfLeadership

Em’s profile 

Em Bartels is the founder and Executive Director of GPA Awards International Ltd, Excell Consulting GH, Excell Branding GH, a Personal Branding Expert and Executive Coach.

She has a track record of building incredible personal brands that help executives to stand out, become visible and attract a passionate tribe.

She’s also a communication expert passionate about oral communication, Certified Protocol and Etiquette Executive.

source: angelonline.com

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